The Universal Laws and How They Relate to Your Business

I was once asked why it is important what I do – this question left me a bit dumbfounded as I couldn’t understand why this should ever be a question. However, when discussing it with a friend, her response was ‘it’s the Law’ end of.

But it did make me think why the Law is important and this was probably one of the first ‘downloads’/guidance or whatever you like to call intuition, and I came to realise there are Laws, everywhere even in the Universe. And these are the fundamental laws we must follow. As humans we always have a choice but there are consequences for not following the Law that we created and also the intrinsic, unchanging laws to the Universe.

 So what are these laws and how do they relate to your business?

 1.      Law of Vibration – everything vibrates at a different frequency, thoughts, feelings, words, and is in a constant state of movement. Whilst this works with the Law of Attraction (like attracts like) your vibration needs to be at the same level as the things you desire in order to attract them. So how does this apply to businesses? – well each business has its own vibrational frequency and by rising the vibration of your business, you enable it to attract what you desire for your business and for it to evolve to it’s next level. Having a business where you feel at peace enables you to attract clients and opportunities at a higher level and having the right risk and compliance foundations designed for your business, in place helps you attain this peace.

Want to increase the vibration of your business, let the Genie help you evolve.

 2.      Law of Attraction – Probably one of the most popular/well known Universal Laws, and whilst we may have all read ‘The Secret’, all of these Laws work together, which is why the ‘Ask and You will Receive’ isn’t all of the story. However, we do create the events and relationships that come into our life, and every thought feeling, word and action sets the Law of Attraction in motion. So if you want a business that attracts like minded individuals, those who understand the universal laws and that do the right thing irrespective of what others are doing – then your business needs to have the right systems and processes in place so you can attract the right type of clients you desire in your business.

Want to make sure your business is attracting the right type of clients – then let the Genie help you evidence you understand and take the Laws seriously.

 3.      Law of Divine Oneness – ‘Everything that is seen and unseen is connected together we are one and we are divinely inseparable’. Effectively we are all made of the same stardust. So in relation to businesses if we all raise our awareness and connections to each other then, we all evolve. To take this further data (personal information) has become the currency which is utilised to connect us all and by understanding this connection we not only understand this law better we can also protect each other whilst we evolve.

I have been wondering for a while how risk and compliance within businesses could ever be spiritual, until I remembered that everything has a law and we are not above the law. Either way we are evolving and our knowledge is evolving and the basis of this knowledge is data, with it brings responsibility, both personally and collectively.

We are all connected to all life everywhere, everything we do and say has a knock on effect – on the world, the Universe. 

4.      Law of Compensation – in the words of Napoleon Hill “whatever we do will come back to us. We reap what we sow ‘when you start giving out, you’ll soon begin taking in”. However, in the long term you can never be compensated for more than you put in, so to increase your compensation your value must increase. And part of this value is demonstrating the value you place on the laws that we create – which coincides with the law of cause and effect (which works whether anyone is looking or not).

There is balance in everything in the Universe.

 5.      Law of Polarity – everything has two poles – i.e. there is an opposite to everything, good/bad, black/white, happy/sad. This Law states that if you are not happy of where you are, move along the scale to where you want to be. Focus on what you do want, not what you don’t. Starting to see how these Laws work together?

 A lot of people look at the negatives associated with complying with the laws, and as such attract other issues (see law of attraction, law of vibration) within their business. Start by looking at the positives around managing risks and compliance in your business, and you will start to move towards the right end of the scale to increase the vibration of business and the clients it attracts.

Everything in the Universe has an opposite.

 6.      Law of Correspondence – If your perception around risk and compliance is fearful and burdensome this will be reflected in your attitude and the processes within your business. I have had first-hand experience of this, people actually been scared to talk to me, or even trying to hide things, with a view that I will tell them they are doing something wrong. However, it is already reflected in their actions what is happening, and it has nothing to do with the compliance requirements or the process being wrong.

I have said on many occasions, I aren’t here to tell you what you can’t do, I’m here to help you make sure you do it compliantly without putting your business or staff at risk.

Although it is pretty obvious how much a business values compliance just by looking at the website, if the basics are evident I can be pretty sure there is no understanding around the compliance requirements or the potential impacts around getting it wrong.

Our outer life reflects our inner life, basically our reality is a reflection of what is going on inside.

 7.      Law of Inspired Action – For a while I got caught up in the world of feminine energetics, you know the belief that everything should be easy and we weren’t meant to struggle in life. However, this is where the illusion of social media doesn’t help. Behind all these businesses that sell ‘ease and flow’ is inspired action, often years worth of inspired action, but it is sold as quick and easy to sell the latest product or manifestation course – yeah we have all fallen down that rabbit of the Law of Attraction.

So I am on a mission to build better businesses, which have risk and compliance foundations at their core, starting with my own. Knowing the risks without your business enables you to take inspired action to protect your business and grow to the next level. Remember you need to take action otherwise the life or business we dream of will not be manifested.

You must take real, actionable inspired steps in order to achieve your goals and to allow your dreams to manifest in your life’

 8.      Law of Cause and Effect – I love how Keanu Reeves explained this - ‘When you truly understand this law, then you realise you are responsible for everything in your life. It is empowering knowing that your future is in your hands. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance. For every action there is a reaction or a consequence. Everyone has a choice and how they run their business and their life is ultimately up to them. So if you feel that the laws do not apply to you, that is fine. However note there are always consequences from not following the laws – even if you don’t see them at first.

There are consequences for every action and inaction, and this Law is always working even when no one is looking.

 9.      Law of Relativity – Everything is relative, everything just ‘is’. You will always be not as good at some things as other people, just as you will have your own special talents. This is where I feel the Law of Divine oneness is connected. If we all have our own special talents – if we are all connected and work together we all help each and bring our own unique skills to the party – so we all evolve. This is where the Compliance Genie can help – I love and specialise in risk and compliance which may affect your business, and I love doing this stuff you don’t have to. Enabling you to focus on your own specialised skill set – which of course the Universe needs.

 Nothing is good or bad until you relate it to something else.

 10.  Law of Gender – this Law states that everything, person and situation has a male and female energy, it also states that everything has a gestation period. Everyone has heard of Ying and Yang and this is how creation happens – for creation to happen there must be masculine and feminine energy. One energy nurture and one that drives. To tie this into your business the feminine energy nurtures your business and the masculine energy drives your business forward. For too long we have been focussed on the masculine energy within businesses. The Compliance Genie works with both energies enabling a balance between the two energies which enables us to create the businesses for the future.

 Creation happens when masculine and feminine energy works together.

 11.  Law of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy – This law states that energy constantly changes and is in constant movement. We therefore all have the power to change the conditions of our life by pushing through the fear and limiting thoughts that we may have. A mentor often stated ‘Your personality reflects your present reality’ so if you want to change the present reality of your business you need to change things to reflect how you want your business to be.

So if you no longer wish to worry about the potential consequences of being non-compliant, start by assessing your risk and how you can implement changes into your business to ensure your business reflects the compliance requirements and if you are worried whether you are doing the right thing, get assistance so you can push through this fear to ensure your energy is moving to a higher vibration and attracting the right clients.

Life is happening for you not to you.

12.  Law of Rhythm – Whilst we have been taught to be very masculine in our working life, being conditioned to work the typical 9-5 job and focus on the 24 hour cycle of the masculine world, the Law of Rhythm states that everything moves at a certain rhythm. Women know this better than others having their cycles being tied into the moon. However, know that energy is like a pendulum when it has swung too far to the right, at some point it most swing back to the left. The key to managing this law if Balance, a balance between energies and a balance between things that need to be done. The Compliance Genie works within the spirit of the legislation and doesn’t swing the pendulum too far right or left – compliance with the law should be proportionate to the business which is where the Law of Rhythm comes into balance.

Process of moving in and out of phases, everything is cyclical, even Business.

The magic of having the right risk and compliance foundations in place in your business, is that you can focus on doing what you love. Have a Genie in your business, and bring a different perspective to this fundamental requirement in your business and as such you start to see it in a different light and you too will start to see the magic….. Is your perception of compliance starting to change?

My Business Genie

Empowering businesses to navigate Governance, Risk & Compliance with Finesse


Compliance Lessons learnt from ‘Shoe Gate’


The Magic I have learnt since setting up the Compliance Genie