Happy New Year…or is it?

As we headed into the New Year there was a lot of talk in social circles around reviewing your business - what went well and planning for the New Year. There were also a lot of posts around things you saw in the business and things you didn’t see, well this is just every day life - and some things are meant for you to deal with personally but that is just my opinion.

Well I aren’t really one for the New Year and all the hype, as to me its always been a bit of a let down and actually I have always felt New Year is still winter and it doesn’t actually start until Spring. It wasn’t until last year that I actually realised that this time of the year is still winter for me, both in terms of when I was born in the astrological year but also that I have the rhythm of life channel (I think it is called that) in my human design chart, so I am designed to work in cycles and with the cycles of life (seasons, lunar), so I can be in habitation mode still as I was designed that way.

That being said, I did actually undertake a mini review of my business, as my year end isn’t until summer. During this process I realised I hadn’t actually set myself any business goals (doh!) which I should change, as how would I know the business is doing what it needs to do if I have no goals? (to be fair the only goals I do have is to do work I love and have the flexibility to do what I love in line with my cycles). Whilst I had been more consistent with my marketing and actually started to do different formats and different channels, I had also been a bit haphazard, which I need to address.

Whilst I say I don’t typically do this review at this time of the year, there is one review that I always undertake at the end of the year – whether it is the calendar year or an actual business year and this is a review of my:

  • Risks

  • Compliance

  • Processes

  • Procedures

  • Policies

  • Support

Are still appropriate for my business? What lessons did I learn? – As I have come to the realisation that anything goes wrong in our lives its just we haven’t been taught to extract the lessons from which to grow.

I also undertake due diligence on any 3rd parties I use to ensure they haven’t changed anything that will fundamentally impact my business or the service I provide to my clients.

I also look at anything that is coming on the horizon that potentially could impact my business, either for the good or the bad – such as new legislation, new services/products that may be available. I could look at competition but to be honest, I stay in my own lane and just focus on me.

All of this makes feel confident that my business is set up for its not cycle of evolution. If you don’t undertake this review, I highly recommend it.

Alternatively, if you are just starting out on your business journey I released a ‘Business Fundamentals’ checklist to my email list in January, if you missed it you can get a copy here.

My Business Genie

Empowering businesses to navigate Governance, Risk & Compliance with Finesse


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